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How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph for an Essay

When listing challenges associated with essay writing, the conclusion is probably the last thing most people would include in the list. After all, they’ve dealt with the entire essay, and all they need to do is give a brief of their research. However, as noted above, a conclusion isn't just a brief. Neither is it your last word. Instead, it is what gives closure to the reader. It is what urges them to take a particular action. Thus the way you craft it determines whether they'll close it and walk away or step back and view the bigger picture. Also, being the last part of your essay, it’s essential you write it in a way that leaves a positive lasting impression to the readers. In light of that, here is how to write a conclusion for an essay.


How to Write a Strong Conclusion for an Essay

A good conclusion paragraph should be approximately 5-7% of your overall word count. While writing a one, you’re expected to

  1. Restate your thesis by paraphrasing it in a more convincing manner

  2. Summarize and reflect your main points or findings on the research.

  3. Make a deduction or recommendations for future work on the subject of your essay.

Therefore, a conclusion is not a repeat of your introduction. It’s instead a pitch that unifies the body of the essay and hooks your reader. Therefore, to write a firm conclusion ensure you.


  • Transition Smoothly from the Body into Your Conclusion

The secret to writing impressive conclusions is transitioning smoothly from the body into the paragraph. You can do this is by alerting the reader that you're coming to the end of the essay. To do this effectively, use transition words such as "given these points." However, avoid using transitional words such as "in conclusion" or "to sum it up." They've been overused so much and won't be impressive.


  • Reflect the Introduction

Immediately after you alert your reader that you’re winding things up, remind them of what the entire essay was all about by restating the introduction and thesis. For instance, if you started your essay by posing a question, then this is the part where you answer it. If you began your introduction using a quote or quotation, reflect it at the conclusion but give it more life by giving further insight derived from the body of your essay. If it’s a science topic consider informing the reader other related areas you plan on researching on in future.

In other words, don’t just leave the reader hanging. Make them feel that the time they spent reading the essay was worth their while. So even if your work didn’t start with a question, ensure you reflect or restate your thesis statement to give the reader a sense of closure.


  • Don’t Introduce New Ideas

Whether you're writing a 4-paragraph essay or working on a 10-page research paper, your conclusion should only pitch your findings. It should tell your reader what the essay was all about. Introducing new ideas not only leaves the reader confused, but also makes them question the significance of your essay. For instance, if you were writing an expository essay on the effects of drug addiction, and end it by writing about the causes, the reader will not understand the significance of your work.


  • Maintain your Writing Tone

If you've been writing with a particular tone for the last 4 or 5 paragraphs, don't change it at the end. For instance, when writing an expository essay, you're expected to remain very clear and factual. You're not expected to impose your opinions on the reader. Therefore, if you've been using a factual tone all through, don't switch it up at the conclusion and use an emotional one.

On the other hand, if you've been expressing your emotions from the moment you put pen to paper, don't switch to a factual one. Maintain your writing tone for a strong conclusion paragraph for an essay. Don’t Apologize

The primary goal of writing any essay, whether it’s argumentative, analytical or expository, is to convince readers that you're well-versed with what you're writing about and that you’re a credible source of information. The keyword here is “convince”, not apologize.

Therefore, your work should sell itself. It should include facts, statistics, quotations, and whatever you need to convince the reader. If you feel like you should apologize to the reader to make them believe in your arguments, you should probably start all over. Apologizing or trying to persuade the reader only leaves them questioning your credibility.


How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph for an Essay. Examples

With the above tips, you're set to write a strong conclusion paragraph. However, to help you become even better, we outlined samples for different types of essays, so you can have an idea of what is expected of you every time you’re presented with one.


How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph for an Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay often proves the author’s stance on a particular topic. Therefore, the conclusion is of utmost importance as it gives the author a chance to sway or convince the reader to believe the position they’ve been supporting throughout the content. For instance, the sample below ties in facts and statistics to smoothly convince the reader that Facebook is on the verge of collapse

Given the above points, Facebook is on its way to the back seat of social media platforms. According to various independent surveys, 65% of teens prefer to use a platform their parents aren't on. This explains why platforms that were once rarely used, such as Twitter and Pinterest, are gaining momentum over Facebook. Thus, while I would suggest additional research on the topic, it's clear that Facebook, which has been by far the most popular social media platform is on the verge of collapse.


How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph for an Expository Essay

An expository essay, only informs, explains, or describes the subject to the reader. Therefore, the conclusion should only emphasize the thesis and findings on the body as shown here

Topic: What is the Primary Cause of Global Warming?

Scientists and environmental experts believe global warming is a result of the rapid increase in greenhouse emissions. Other people argue that it is a result of factory farms while others believe its caused by emissions from modern-day transport systems. It's clear to see from these arguments that humans are the primary cause.


How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph for an Analytical Essay

An analytical essay works towards analyzing a given text. Therefore, every part of it, from the introduction to the body, works towards strengthening the conclusion. This puts the conclusion into the spotlight as this is where the reader will turn to for answers. Therefore, don't introduce new ideas. Instead, have a clear and concise deduction based on the findings. For instance, in the example below, the author goes straight to the point and states that twitter has a significant impact on today's youth and what should be done

Topic: Analyze Twitter’s Impact on the Young Generation

While Twitter influences modern society, the platform is even more influential on the younger generation. Today, youths all over the world are heavily using the platform by updating their followers about their every step. For instance, most teens carry their phones to school and even twit when in class. That said, this is the right time to set rules which regulate the use of smartphones in school to curb the heavy usage of the platform.


How to Write a Conclusion for an Informational Essay

An informative essay, also known as an informational essay, is a type of academic writing which as the name implies, informs the reader about a specific person, object or phenomenon. It explains the topic and includes all there is to know about it so the reader walks away well informed about a particular topic. Similar to any other essay, its conclusion is also of the essence. Check out the gun control example below to get a grasp on how to write a conclusion for an informational essay

Gun control refers to a set of policies aimed at regulating the manufacture, sale, possession and use of firearms by the average citizens. Despite an increase in mass shootings, the issue remains a highly sensitive and controversial.



While the introduction, thesis statement, and the body are all vital parts of an essay, a conclusion is also of the essence. It reinforces what you've been trying to prove to the reader all along. Therefore, ensure you know how to write a strong conclusion for an essay before you handle your next assignment.

Write it in a way that brings about the effect you were working towards all through the essay by following the tips listed above. If you think you don’t have what it takes to implement the above, or you have too much on your plate to handle, let our professionals get the job done on your behalf.

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